Evaluation of teaching and learning effectiveness

The professor's activities
I study Shop of Messenger with voice for students of the computation shop.
The form of carrying out the educational processes has been specially influenced by the goods and reaches of the new technologies, being created new environments of information that modify the activities of teaching learning. Everything is manifested it in a focus different from what understands each other for communication, cooperation and interaction in the classroom. One of the synchronous media of more potential of didactic use in the education at distance is the chat and Messenger.
The chat is a communication tool that allows to converse on time real with an or several people by means of written messages. Contrary to the forums or of the electronic mail, the chat allows to interact instantly, for that reason it can be of great utility to carry out on-line tutorships, you debate and even for the students' evaluations.
It is necessary to have present that is important to respect a series of norms that you/they allow a good development of the conversation in all communication act. The chat is not an exception and less when it is used in a
Indications for the professor
Previous to the chat
Motivation dynamics and invitation that it detects professions y/u occupations that the students know. (Existing uses of the communication in chat)
Example rain of ideas or others. (Cases of marketing, it consults phone, etc.)
To form working teams. (Of 3 to 5 members, for affective likeness)
To explain norms or agreements of the work to develop (Whereas clause to propitiate the collaborative learnings)
To create chart of registration of the puntaje that you/they will obtain the teams.
To connect Internet and to create room deprived in a chat (The professor will be to the slope of the taken agreements)
During the chat (it GUIDES FOR STUDENTS)
To write greeting message to the participant teams in the chat (Previous agreement of the time and room, besides the discussion topic).
To participate according to the list or the coordinator's of the team indications.
To listen or to read with attention the contributions of the partners.
To write or to comment the answers of the partners' doubts.
To register the main ideas of the analysis topic.
To take points of common agreement, and of general interest
To elaborate a synthesis of the study topic.
Later to the chat
To revise the contents clarifying aspects of taken agreements.
To socialize weaknesses and strengths of the language used in the communication.
To revise and to rewrite the first writing perfecting it (that is to say, to improve the pattern of initial draft).
To digitize the writing in a word processor, for their he/she sent working of final team -
To add the acquired experiences during the trial of communication.
Dos written leaves, on the most important contributions carried out by means of the Forum chat.
Autoevaluación singular (AUTOEVALUACIÓN INDIV)
Autoevaluación grupal (AUTOEVALUACIÓN GRUPAL)
The students' product
Evaluation zum atiba (PROFESSOR EVALUATES)
Evaluation of the project (EVALUATING PROJECT)
The professor's planning
Guide of organization of working teams
1 guide for the students
Guides for the professor. "I use of the Chat and Messenger Service"," I Support Parliament" and Norms of the Game
Evaluation rules Autoevaluación Singular, Autoevaluación Grupal and evaluation sumativa or of pursuit.
Material of support readings.
The teacher will indicate the instructions of the activity that leave in writing he/she is necessary to carry out in each one of the Chat with voice for shop students of I compute and he will make them arrive via it Paginates working: www.catuy85.blogspot.com /
The teacher will indicate via guide of activities, in advance the topic has to try, day and hour chat, as well as the number of students to participate.
The teams to participate the the professor will form according to the necessities of the chat. ( The ideal nuecero is from 5 to 7 participants)
The Professor will be who it coordinates or moderate the chat. ( In several events he/she will be the coordinator team),
To create an appropriate interactive atmosphere to the topic tried among the students. (Through the informal chat, to recapture the most significant learnings).
The professor will indicate who will make the summary of the realized chat of the students. (As a rule the team boss sawed chosen by his partners).
The professor will be who evaluated the chat of the activity carried out by each one of the students of computation shop, more the contributions of the participants.
Chat and evaluation
The group activities via chat can be used formativamente to evaluate the groups. Because these encounter can be recorded, the professor could review the performance of the groups, to make changes when therefore amerite the situation, to examine the elements that can be producing confusion and to suggest alternating routes of discussion.
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