Student activities

Student activities
Activities of the week of the 17 at October 22.
First Group A t/m. (EPRA)
Fear: communication Tools. (Chat and Messenger with Voice)
That the student knows and manage the characteristics and benefits of the Messenger with voice.
That it installs the program of Messenger with voice in their working computer.
That the Messenger uses with voice in a learning activity.
That the student uses the chat, with ends of exchanging learning experiences.
Activities to develop:
1 - to make a reading of understanding and pursuit of the guide of activities (This content).
2 - to make a reading of understanding of the two following articles. (Technological communication tools and Learning multicanal). That they are in this same one it paginates.
3 - to make a leaf (it is considered a total of 24 writing lines), of personal opinion on the topic. (In the program of Word). Making a total of 2 leaves.
He/she notices: it is important that each leaf takes your personal data, Name, group and mail. Besides mentioning that it is the task 5.
4 - to copy the content of each article. (The leaf elaborated in Word).
5 - to open the corresponding icon of comments, for each article and to hit the information elaborated previously.
6 - to verify that this integrated one the issued opinion.
7 - of not appearing their comment, to repeat the step 4 and 5.
He/she notices: it is important to have carried out these activities, to be able to continue with the following ones.
Since the personal opinions were used in the following activities.
Observation: For the students that don't have connected computer to Internet, it is recommended to use the available teams of the computation laboratory in the schedule of classes and the free times. (To request the headsets to be able to carry out the commended activities).
It lauds students that if they have connected teams to internet, they can make it from their house.
8 - to make a click in the connection to Messenger Yahoo with voice.
9 - to follow all the indications or steps to be able to install the messenger with voice in the computer where you are working. (To omit this step if you already have it installed). And to make the connection from the headsets to the CPU. (Working diadems).
10 - to form 5 students' teams and to come to an agreement in who will be the responsible for the team and moderator of the same one.
11 - once installed the messenger with voice, to give of high to 5 partners of your group, with those that you want to form working team. (It is not been worth to be in several teams, alone in one).
12 - having forming the team of 5 students, in your messenger with voice, to begin one chats in forum form (it is necessary to use the headsets), on the points that more useful encontrastes of the read articles (The technological communication tools and Learning multicanal). Using the time that you/they consider necessary. (Minimum half hour of chat on the analysis).
13 - once discussed and analyzed the two readings, to elaborate two leaves of summations to those that the team arrives, making the considerations of all the possible advantages and disadvantages that have the handling of the chat and messenger with voice.
14 - once edited the final conclusion of the team (Dos leaves), to add the data of the members of the team as well as writing who in the responsible for the same one.
15 - to send the conclusion with all the requested data, to the connection of comments of the guide of activities. (It is at the end of this section).
16 - it dates it limits of delivery Saturday October 22 the 2005, to the 11:55 PM.
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