Effective learning technologies and how they will be integrated into the instructional design

Interaction. It is necessary the readiness of means for the interaction among professor - student, student-students, student-content and between the same students in a collaborative way and cooperative. The use of the mail is one of the tools, the forum, Messenger, etc. The readiness of these tools in the schools is every more common day, the system educational Mexican this conciente of this great necessity of systems of I compute in all the school levels.
Virtual platforms
They are the virtual platforms a form that has proliferated and had a significant contribution in the increase of courses that you/they use the web like environment for the learning, contributing these to the amplification of the “I space educational virtual.”
The society has imposed professionals and educational the incorporation of general computer knowledge although this it is not its study field for the unquestionable advantages of its use for its acting and upgrade. Likewise, although the creation of documents in WWW becomes easier with some current application software, the elaboration and administration of courses at distance continues being an activity that demands a lot of effort. However, the readiness of an integrated software that facilitates the elaboration and administration of courses for web (virtual platforms) it contributes in that is growing the appearance of educational offers in the virtual space, being positive the acceptance for the interested parties, what is corroborated by the tendency to their generalization in the educational centers.
At the present time one has a bigger necessity of the handling of the TICs, since they are already part of the new learning atmospheres, being made more indispensable in their handling and incorporation to the schools. (Mainly in the levels means and superior, it is already had an entire virtual infrastructure).
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