Teachers....what can we do with chat in our class?

The group discussions, that are made through a tool like chat, constitute one of the categories of group activities in where a decision making is persecuted combines and the creative resolution of a problem.
Types of group activities
Thiagarajan, (1992) indicates that the benefits that are derived from the group activities can be divided in order to motivate, organize, and instructional. To motivate talk about to that the group activities usually are more entertaining than the individual ones. To organize, on the other hand, increase the probability that a task is completed, increase the cohesion group, consolidate the cooperation and the confidence, promotes the creative resolution of problems and facilitates multicultural integration. The instructional, facilitate the global learning, impel the student to respond actively and increase feedback instruccional.
Disadvantages of the activities in group
For the same author, this type of activities has some disadvantages that ameritan to be considered. Among them we have these can, according to the characteristics of the group, to distract the participants, to reinforce the mediocrity, to increase the anxiety, to increase the ignorance and to cause cultural confrontations.
The debate
In a debate messages related to the subject are only due to send that is being discussed
Brief messages are due to use to facilitate the fluidity in the debate (less than 10 lines).
The messages must contribute something new, to favor or against the exposed ideas or, or open new fields of discussion. It is important that the debate is not blocked around an only idea.
It´s important to take care of the language and evidently must be respect for the other. The capital letters are not due to use to write whole words or phrases, since in chat, forum or electronic mail it means that you are shouting your interlocutor.
All partipants must to be an active element of chat.
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