Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Somebody have used chat in class...what happened?


Schutte (1996) reports on an experimental study made with 33 students of Social Statistic in the University of the State of California. The group divided itself in two and it was assigned, at random, the one to a traditional class and other to a virtual class. To first a traditional education occurred him, whereas to the seconds it was taught to them virtually using resources like chat, the electronic mail, hypernews and the WWW. The results showed that the virtual class demonstrated greater group work, more flexibility, better understanding of the material and a more positive feeling towards the mathematics, in comparison with the traditional class.

Neal (1997) in a comparative study between several means (chat, electronic mail, videoconferencia, audio conference and, Netmeeting), at a distance indicated to the benefits and difficulties found during the use of chat in its classes. On the matter, the author observed that the IRC endorsed the group interaction, at the same time who allowed the conversation deprived between the participants. Also she found that this average one was ideal to carry out evaluations of the course; in this case the educational one prepared a series of questions and it raised them during the accomplishment of the encounter. All the participants responded and, at the same time, they could make observations on the commentaries expressed by the other companions.
In another study, Kroonenberg (1995) indicates some benefits that chat like average discussing obtained with its French students of baccalaureate, using and debating its ideas. Between the advantages it mentions as the synchronous communication by means of chat allowed the students to practice the fast interaction. Another advantage that offered east means him was the opportunity to reflect in half of an interaction leaning in the written text that appeared in screen. Finally it mentions that many students were more expressive in this means of which they were it in the written compositions normal. These studies suggest important results with respect to the possibilities of didactic use of chat, for example, to promote the colaborativo learning between the students, besides to help to surpass expresivas inhibitions. The term of the Computer Mediated Communication, (CMC). Santoro (mentioned in Simonson, M., Sh. Smaldino, M. Albright & S. Svacek, 2000) describes it like the set of applications of the computer that are used with the purpose of ensure communications. According to this author there are three categories of functions in which the communication is mediated trough the computer.
First, the conference, within which we have the electronic mail, the discussion lists and the electronic conference - here the forum and chat are located. The second category, computer science, talks about the on line resources that support the learning like catalogues of the libraries, index and data base. The last category, the computer assited instruction, remind us to the interactive learning using the computer as tool in order to facilitate the profit of the objectives on the part of the student.
For Berge & Collins (1995) the computer mediated communication, describes the form in which the humans use the computerized systems and the networks to transfer, to store and to recover information, although add that the emphasis is always in the term communication. Between the multiple uses of the communication by the computer, these authors mention the instruction based on projects, the consultations, the public conference, the individual and group recovery of the information, presentations, the learning in equipment, and chat interactive. The advantages that the computer mediated communication offers relate to the liberation of the limits of time and space in relation to the instruction, the promotion of the self-discipline, the incentive towards the colaborativo work, the equality between the users and the promotion of the multicultural conscience (Berge & Collins, 1995).

Teachers....what can we do with chat in our class?

The group discussions, that are made through a tool like chat, constitute one of the categories of group activities in where a decision making is persecuted combines and the creative resolution of a problem.

Types of group activities
Thiagarajan, (1992) indicates that the benefits that are derived from the group activities can be divided in order to motivate, organize, and instructional. To motivate talk about to that the group activities usually are more entertaining than the individual ones. To organize, on the other hand, increase the probability that a task is completed, increase the cohesion group, consolidate the cooperation and the confidence, promotes the creative resolution of problems and facilitates multicultural integration. The instructional, facilitate the global learning, impel the student to respond actively and increase feedback instruccional.

Disadvantages of the activities in group
For the same author, this type of activities has some disadvantages that ameritan to be considered. Among them we have these can, according to the characteristics of the group, to distract the participants, to reinforce the mediocrity, to increase the anxiety, to increase the ignorance and to cause cultural confrontations.

The debate
In a debate messages related to the subject are only due to send that is being discussed
Brief messages are due to use to facilitate the fluidity in the debate (less than 10 lines).
The messages must contribute something new, to favor or against the exposed ideas or, or open new fields of discussion. It is important that the debate is not blocked around an only idea.
It´s important to take care of the language and evidently must be respect for the other. The capital letters are not due to use to write whole words or phrases, since in chat, forum or electronic mail it means that you are shouting your interlocutor.
All partipants must to be an active element of chat.

What is a chat?


Chat is a communication tool that allows to talk on real time with one or several people by means of messages written. Unlike the forums or of the electronic mail, chat allows to interact instantaneously, for that reason it can be very useful to make positions of a tutorial online, debates and even for evaluations of the students. It is necessary to remember that in all act of communication it is important to respect a series of norms that allow a good development of the conversation. Chat is not an exception and less when it is used in an educative context.
There are several kinds of chat types that they allow the synchronous communication, is to say in real time:

... Chat based on the IRC. Some chat also allows to use a slate to draw. These are divided in two classes: one through a page Web and another one by IRC. Chats based on system IRC (Internet Relay Chat), is very common; it only must accede to a hall or channel in the IRC, where each channel focuses to a specific topic, like music or policy. In order to participate in these groups of dialogue it needs to have a program IRC like which is in the direction.

Chat based on the Web (Web-Based Chat) Exists places in the Network that allow to speak with other people and the only thing who need to do it is its Web browser.

The instantaneous messenger (instant messenging) offers the opportunity of chatear in private with some person in the Internet. He only requires a special program, like which one is in or

Chat with multimedia (Chat Multimedia) Allows to have a spoken conversation and another one in video through the Internet. It needs a special equipment to carry out this activity (horns, camcorder and microphone, among others.

The appropriate theoretical model

Link: The appropriate theoretical model

The instructional design model

Link: The instructional design mode

Student needs

The student's necessities

From the first times, with the human person's existence; the communication desire was of vital importance. Without the communication, he/she didn't open transmission of knowledge, ideas, thoughts, feelings, etc. The primitive man has gone evolving along the millennia, ending up building an interpreted language and spoken by means of symbols and after letters to which he has given them meaning and they conform today the Language.

The communication at distance, it has been their concern. The man has wanted to shorten the physical distance. From the primitive signs of smoke, going by the electric telegraph until arriving the current Internet. The distance, it has been shortened with the technological advances that the current man (descending of that primitive man) it has built until achieving results that they have transformed the human thought and the form of communicating.

  • The massive media brings near us information of any part of the world in a to open up and to close of eyes. The flow of information to which one has access is immeasurable. The space has been conquered. No longer alone of it uses the Earth like footstool of their technological inventions; but rather it has placed them at big distances on the Planet and of which he/she makes use to provide from information to the whole humanity.

    Today in day the use of the Technologies of the Information and the Communication (TIC) in the education they are, one of the valid alternatives to propitiate and to improve the quality of the education in the different study levels.

    We can they observe in a common way, the communication system that you/they have the youths, and they manifest it to travez of the use of their cellular telephones.

    In the educational area we can use the chat and forums that already have the educational, such platforms it is the case of Moodle, Webct, AVA, Claraline, etc. Mainly the platarmas that use the open code.

    The Messenger with voice, allows the interaction in a more quick, opportune way and he/she makes more efficient the communication inside the atmospheres of learnings in the students. Yahoo! Messenger is a quick, effective and amusing system to communicate with your students in Internet, be where you are, since at the moment the Messenger with voice is it has converted as one of the tools of multimedia escencialses to approach different learning atmospheres and in particular treaty in this special case for students of general high school in the computation shop, requesting you to approach different activities, such as:

    To speak with your partners students through the Messenger with voice by means of the shop of I compute, he/she will allow to take advantage in an opportune and efficient way your learning in a certain topic treaty.
    You will be able to send and to receive messages and educational files in an instantaneous way.
    You can Communicate at the same time with students, teachers interacting on a topic of certain learning in the handling of the Messenger with voice for shop students of I compute.
    To know if your friends are connected to Internet. If he are not, they will receive your messages as soon as they connect.
    To receive watchful that they warn you when he receives a new electronic mail or when the securities of your wallet ascend or they lower.
    He/she also reminds you dates and appointments pointed out in your calendar of pending learning activities to carry out.
    To decorate it like want with your favorite images.
    You will be able to transmit your emotions in an amusing way with the faces to Use your webcam that convinadas with your learning, will give a better view to your presentation.
    You can make calls international PC to free PC, you Only need microphone and headsets or speakers. It is very easy-to-use, only make click in the button to Call.
    You will be able to participate and inclination of a Chat on a certain topic.

    Court of CHAT Speaks to me!

    It is the space in which the students discuss in real time through Internet a specific topic through the computation shop.
    It is an useful way to share ideas.
    To enable a chat room is quite different to use the forums.
    The chat module contains several utilities to administer and to revise the previous conversations.

Effective learning technologies and how they will be integrated into the instructional design

Access to the information and learning contents. The readiness of educational materials as hipermedias, simulations, tutorials, texts in multiple formats, electronic books, publications of Internet, contribute at the level of the course, because the forms facilitate their upgrade. (Backup materials and it consults, previously placed in their place, for the professor. Available the whole time).

Interaction. It is necessary the readiness of means for the interaction among professor - student, student-students, student-content and between the same students in a collaborative way and cooperative. The use of the mail is one of the tools, the forum, Messenger, etc. The readiness of these tools in the schools is every more common day, the system educational Mexican this conciente of this great necessity of systems of I compute in all the school levels.

Virtual platforms
They are the virtual platforms a form that has proliferated and had a significant contribution in the increase of courses that you/they use the web like environment for the learning, contributing these to the amplification of the “I space educational virtual.”

The society has imposed professionals and educational the incorporation of general computer knowledge although this it is not its study field for the unquestionable advantages of its use for its acting and upgrade. Likewise, although the creation of documents in WWW becomes easier with some current application software, the elaboration and administration of courses at distance continues being an activity that demands a lot of effort. However, the readiness of an integrated software that facilitates the elaboration and administration of courses for web (virtual platforms) it contributes in that is growing the appearance of educational offers in the virtual space, being positive the acceptance for the interested parties, what is corroborated by the tendency to their generalization in the educational centers.

At the present time one has a bigger necessity of the handling of the TICs, since they are already part of the new learning atmospheres, being made more indispensable in their handling and incorporation to the schools. (Mainly in the levels means and superior, it is already had an entire virtual infrastructure).

For more information.

Student activities

Student activities

Activities of the week of the 17 at October 22.

First Group A t/m. (EPRA)

Fear: communication Tools. (Chat and Messenger with Voice)


That the student knows and manage the characteristics and benefits of the Messenger with voice.
That it installs the program of Messenger with voice in their working computer.
That the Messenger uses with voice in a learning activity.
That the student uses the chat, with ends of exchanging learning experiences.

Activities to develop:
1 - to make a reading of understanding and pursuit of the guide of activities (This content).

2 - to make a reading of understanding of the two following articles. (Technological communication tools and Learning multicanal). That they are in this same one it paginates.

3 - to make a leaf (it is considered a total of 24 writing lines), of personal opinion on the topic. (In the program of Word). Making a total of 2 leaves.

He/she notices: it is important that each leaf takes your personal data, Name, group and mail. Besides mentioning that it is the task 5.

4 - to copy the content of each article. (The leaf elaborated in Word).

5 - to open the corresponding icon of comments, for each article and to hit the information elaborated previously.

6 - to verify that this integrated one the issued opinion.

7 - of not appearing their comment, to repeat the step 4 and 5.

He/she notices: it is important to have carried out these activities, to be able to continue with the following ones.
Since the personal opinions were used in the following activities.

Observation: For the students that don't have connected computer to Internet, it is recommended to use the available teams of the computation laboratory in the schedule of classes and the free times. (To request the headsets to be able to carry out the commended activities).
It lauds students that if they have connected teams to internet, they can make it from their house.

8 - to make a click in the connection to Messenger Yahoo with voice.

9 - to follow all the indications or steps to be able to install the messenger with voice in the computer where you are working. (To omit this step if you already have it installed). And to make the connection from the headsets to the CPU. (Working diadems).

10 - to form 5 students' teams and to come to an agreement in who will be the responsible for the team and moderator of the same one.

11 - once installed the messenger with voice, to give of high to 5 partners of your group, with those that you want to form working team. (It is not been worth to be in several teams, alone in one).

12 - having forming the team of 5 students, in your messenger with voice, to begin one chats in forum form (it is necessary to use the headsets), on the points that more useful encontrastes of the read articles (The technological communication tools and Learning multicanal). Using the time that you/they consider necessary. (Minimum half hour of chat on the analysis).

13 - once discussed and analyzed the two readings, to elaborate two leaves of summations to those that the team arrives, making the considerations of all the possible advantages and disadvantages that have the handling of the chat and messenger with voice.

14 - once edited the final conclusion of the team (Dos leaves), to add the data of the members of the team as well as writing who in the responsible for the same one.

15 - to send the conclusion with all the requested data, to the connection of comments of the guide of activities. (It is at the end of this section).

16 - it dates it limits of delivery Saturday October 22 the 2005, to the 11:55 PM.

Evaluation of teaching and learning effectiveness

The professor's activities

I study Shop of Messenger with voice for students of the computation shop.

The form of carrying out the educational processes has been specially influenced by the goods and reaches of the new technologies, being created new environments of information that modify the activities of teaching learning. Everything is manifested it in a focus different from what understands each other for communication, cooperation and interaction in the classroom. One of the synchronous media of more potential of didactic use in the education at distance is the chat and Messenger.

The chat is a communication tool that allows to converse on time real with an or several people by means of written messages. Contrary to the forums or of the electronic mail, the chat allows to interact instantly, for that reason it can be of great utility to carry out on-line tutorships, you debate and even for the students' evaluations.

It is necessary to have present that is important to respect a series of norms that you/they allow a good development of the conversation in all communication act. The chat is not an exception and less when it is used in a

Indications for the professor


Previous to the chat
Motivation dynamics and invitation that it detects professions y/u occupations that the students know. (Existing uses of the communication in chat)
Example rain of ideas or others. (Cases of marketing, it consults phone, etc.)
To form working teams. (Of 3 to 5 members, for affective likeness)
To explain norms or agreements of the work to develop (Whereas clause to propitiate the collaborative learnings)
To create chart of registration of the puntaje that you/they will obtain the teams.
To connect Internet and to create room deprived in a chat (The professor will be to the slope of the taken agreements)

During the chat (it GUIDES FOR STUDENTS)

To write greeting message to the participant teams in the chat (Previous agreement of the time and room, besides the discussion topic).
To participate according to the list or the coordinator's of the team indications.
To listen or to read with attention the contributions of the partners.
To write or to comment the answers of the partners' doubts.
To register the main ideas of the analysis topic.
To take points of common agreement, and of general interest
To elaborate a synthesis of the study topic.

Later to the chat

To revise the contents clarifying aspects of taken agreements.
To socialize weaknesses and strengths of the language used in the communication.
To revise and to rewrite the first writing perfecting it (that is to say, to improve the pattern of initial draft).
To digitize the writing in a word processor, for their he/she sent working of final team -
To add the acquired experiences during the trial of communication.
Dos written leaves, on the most important contributions carried out by means of the Forum chat.


Autoevaluación singular (AUTOEVALUACIÓN INDIV)
Autoevaluación grupal (AUTOEVALUACIÓN GRUPAL)
The students' product
Evaluation zum atiba (PROFESSOR EVALUATES)
Evaluation of the project (EVALUATING PROJECT)
The professor's planning
Guide of organization of working teams
1 guide for the students
Guides for the professor. "I use of the Chat and Messenger Service"," I Support Parliament" and Norms of the Game
Evaluation rules Autoevaluación Singular, Autoevaluación Grupal and evaluation sumativa or of pursuit.

Material of support readings.

The teacher will indicate the instructions of the activity that leave in writing he/she is necessary to carry out in each one of the Chat with voice for shop students of I compute and he will make them arrive via it Paginates working: /

The teacher will indicate via guide of activities, in advance the topic has to try, day and hour chat, as well as the number of students to participate.

The teams to participate the the professor will form according to the necessities of the chat. ( The ideal nuecero is from 5 to 7 participants)

The Professor will be who it coordinates or moderate the chat. ( In several events he/she will be the coordinator team),

To create an appropriate interactive atmosphere to the topic tried among the students. (Through the informal chat, to recapture the most significant learnings).

The professor will indicate who will make the summary of the realized chat of the students. (As a rule the team boss sawed chosen by his partners).

The professor will be who evaluated the chat of the activity carried out by each one of the students of computation shop, more the contributions of the participants.

Application of the case of study, communication tool

Link: Application of the case of study, communication tool


When we finish the realization of this place Weblog, on learning theories and instructional design, and the application of a real case, we had not only achieved the objective commended by the Dr. Potter, but rather it had also deepened more and achieved an integral appreciation on the different theories of the learning and their possible applications in the instructional design.

In all and each one of the steps implies us studying the different support materials again, of the other matters that we had studied in the previous semesters. Such it is the case of instructional Design, (Dra. Josefina, Theories of the Learning Dr. Victor Montemayor, Technologies of the information and communication, Dr. Héctor Gómez, Investigation I, II, and III, Dr. Victor González Romero, Development of projects Dr. Miguel Navarro, educational Multimedia Dr. Miguel Álvarez, on-line Courses Mtra. María Morfin and the other professors that have contributed their knowledge, to achieve the students of META to be more concientes of our educational work.

We find very interesting to know that to understand the learning processes well and in carrying out a better practice in the instructional design. It has been clear that there is a place for each theory inside that practice of the instructional design, which depends, of the situation and of the learning atmosphere. We are to favor, especially, of the idea of using the approach objetivista with the purpose of that the apprentice develops his own reference "anchor" before beginning to move for his bill in the ocean open of the knowledge. A basic understanding of the support materials on the part of the apprentice is the compass that guide will be good him/her for more distant trips. On all in the sailing in the immensity of the Internet.

Another consideration is the one of being able to distinguish between "qualification" and "education." In the world of the current learnings, the instructional design can be required to settle down and to complete the objectives of a company or educational organization. But on the other hand, from a more social point of view and of the interests of the educational system, the instructional designer will have to worry to provide materials that strengthen the individual's in an integral way capacity that you/they allow him/her to find divergent approaches in the solution of problems. Whichever it is the situation, the instructional designer will be in situations, in which will require of a wide understanding of the learning theories that you/they allow him/her to design the atmosphere of more appropriate learning.

The thought of the instructional design captured in the magnitude of this work, he/she could have a tradition behaviorist, new incursions toward the learning process continue for remplazar, to change and to alter the process. The advances in the technology make of the approaches constructivistas a possible learning. Either that it is designed for qualification or it stops education, the instructional designer's toolbox it should contain a changing and growing number of theoretical applications and physical possibilities. With the intelligent applications of the strategies of learning theory, the instructional modern designer will surely find solutions for the necessities of learning of the XXI century.

Remembering that the main function of the educational one is to propitiate the necessary changes in the students in its knowledge, abilities, dexterities and values.

We realize the important thing that it is the support of TICs, with all the kindness that we already know and that we mention in the different parts of this work, but mainly in taking to the students to the integration of a more integral and more competitive learning, with perspective to the globalization of the education.

We believe that with this work model, they will be able to interactuar in a new learning style, with which you/they will be able to incorporate the atmospheres at distance and on-line. The students of our schools benefitted of our learnings, once applied and concretizados.

We consider that this work type comes to generate the abilities and necessary knowledge to be able to traffic to a more self taught and in turn collaborative learning among the whole student community.

Concientes of the great responsibility and commitment acquired by us are also, The desire to follow us preparing to be able to offer better strategies of learnings to our students.

For I finish we want to thank him/her the, Dr. Potter to offer us their knowledge and ideas that nurture our learning. And to Comment him/her that this work proposal this applied with a real group of work, the group of first TO t/m, in the Preparatory Regional School of Ameca. (Ver pagina: )

For their attention thank you

attn: J. Jesus Rafael Aguilar Vélez
Felipe Sahagún Reynoso
Florencio Sánchez Sánchez
Isela Georgina Valdéz

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